Sunday, June 28, 2009

From Whence Come that Strange Mix of Words?

A word about my posts. The best way to recall what's transpired in my life is to write about it. Chronicling events, the ways my senses have been stimulated, the terrors and delights which have addled or been etched into my brain, that which has aroused passions, pushed my buttons, elicited tears or cheers - helps me remember. 
Periodically unloading this helix of upheaval, this rich river of tangy titillation, this abysmal confusion also allows room for more. 
I'm compulsively opinionated, expect too much, have a curmudgeonly, albeit romantic nature, can't suffer fools (including myself), run short on patience and sometimes, when Mose Allison sings, "If silence were golden, you couldn't earn a dime - Your mind is on vacation and your mouth is workin' overtime", I believe he's singing about me.
Thanks for visiting and please
feel free to share whatever crosses your mind with me.

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