Sunday, July 19, 2009

The Night I Met Screamin' Jay

The Night I Met Screamin' Jay
by Stephen D. Gross

I loved the New Music - we called it Rhythm 'n Blues and because the tunes were liberally seasoned with Bop-bop-shoo-do-bops, shang-a-lang-langs and Bi-doom-be-doom-be-dooms, we labeled them Doo-Wops. My folks' combo Admiral ten-inch tv, am radio and record player was equipped to dig sounds out of 78s, but the Doo-Wops were all 45s. My old wooden Sylvania "homework special" managed to feebly lock onto a signal from WNJR in Newark, however, and I got introduced to sounds I never dreamed existed. All 15 of WNJR's DJs were Black and the sounds that ricocheted off my tympanic membrane made me long for an alternate reality I really knew nothing about.

After awhile a guy named Alan Freed, the man most credited with coining the term Rock and Roll (avoiding the stigma attached to R & B and so-called Race Music). Born in Johnstown Pennsylvania in 1922 of a Welsh mother and Lithuanian born father, Freed was twelve when his family moved to Salem, Ohio where he formed a band known as the Sultans of Swing (!), in which he played trombone. In 1949 Freed left Cleveland's WXTL for New York City's WINS, armed with an armada of tight harmonies and dazzling arrangements, and Life As I Knew It changed forever.
One of the first DJs and producers to popularize Rock and Roll, Freed mounted a number of heavily talented R&B shows headlining up and coming stars such as Bo Diddley, Texans Buddy Holly and Buddy Knox, and Mickey and Sylvia ("Love is Strange"), and groups such as the Cleftones, Platters, Moonglows and Cadillacs.

Although I first saw Screamin' Jay Hawkins when he appeared at Freed's Brooklyn Paramount Christmas Show, it was two years before I actually got to talk to him. And the circumstances were strange, indeed.

Born in Cleveland in 1929, Jalacy Hawkins studied classical piano as a child and had aspired to follow in the prodogious footsteps of the great Paul Robeson and become an opera singer, but when his ambitions were unrealized he felt he could perhaps best express himself by playing piano and singing the Blues. Spending time in the Pacific Theater during World War II, Jay claimed to have been captured and tortured as a POW. According to the documentary, I Put a Spell on Me, upon liberation he blew his chief tormentor's head off by taping a hand-grenade into his mouth and pulling the pin. He reportedly served as Alaska's Middleweight boxing champ in 1949, but shortly after, gave up boxing trunks and gloves for red leather, leopard skins, outrageous hats and a guitar.

Jay's main claim to fame, I Put A Spell On You, a tune he originally envisioned as a refined ballad, became infused during its creation with a heavy dose of voodoo and has taken on a life of its own.
According to the AllMusic Guide to the Blues, "The entire band was intoxicated during a recording session where "Hawkins screamed, grunted, and gurgled his way through the tune with utter drunken abandon. The resulting performance was no ballad but instead a "raw, guttural track" that became his greatest commercial success and surpassed a million copies in sales. "The performance was mesmerizing, although Hawkins himself blacked out and was unable to remember the session, afterward being forced to relearn the song from the recorded version." Meanwhile the record label released a second version of the single, and in response to complaints about the recording's overt sexuality, removed most of the grunts. This still didn't prevent it from being banned from radio in some areas.

At Freed's Christmas show, he bribed Jay to lie in an on-stage coffin from which Jay emerged with a devilish onstage persona replete with leopard and snake skins, cauldron, Voodoo accoutrements and a smoking shrunken head at the end of a stick.

But the night I met Screamin' was bizarre and entirely unscripted. It was a post-Bar-Mitzvah summer evening and Dennis, who was one of my main Doo-Wop buddies, had informed me that The Channels, The Kodoks and Screamin' Jay Hawkins were performing that evening, at a record hop in a high school gym in the South Bronx. Although born in the South Bronx, by the time I was old enough to sneak off to Hunts Point for some 4-part harmony, it had turned into a third-world war zone - brutal, unforgiving, and predictably dangerous. But we were cool. Dennis and I. We were harmless, pale waifs - little, very white kids who were obviously there for the music. And so we were. There was a slick hardwood floor, designed for roundball, an exotic mix of shifting schools of Black kids, Haitians and Dominicans, a few roiling clots of brassy Puerto Ricanos, the performers of course, and me and Dennis. Not a teacher, security person or school official was to be seen except for the M.C., who also furnished all the music.

At one end of the gym floor stood a battered card table with a record player that only accommodated 45's, and a short stack of records by those performers who were ready to lip sync their Greatest Hits. No band, no mikes, no kick ass speakers. Just a Crosley 45 rpm Stack-O-Matic and a hungry, impatient crowd, sneers and sharp elbows.

The Kodoks kicked it off with "Gee Oh Gosh", hitting every note impeccably and the crowd loved it. After awhile it was The Channels with Earl Lewis singing lead in his signature falsetto. Opening with "The Gleam In Your Eye", a tune Earl wrote on his paper route, the gym lights softened and we could hear the crowd noises punctuated by groans, grunts and barks, any of which could have suggested a mood change in the big room. The Channels were amazing of course, hitting every note exactly like they did on the recording, which was one thing we never worried about when we went to record hops. They rolled into "Now You Know", "Closer"'s flip side and a complex vocal arrangement, pulling it off flawlessly, and upon persistent urging from the crowd, (and a skitterish DJ on the Crosley), they began to mouth "The Closer You Are" about two beats behind the recording. No one minded - they were seeing the Channels in person - and Screamin' Jay was in the on deck circle.

"Closer" is a very romantic tune, and the gym was stuffed with posturing, amore-seeking, testosterone driven teen age boys competing for space and attention. The shoving, strutting and loose elbows slowly escalated as the Channels wrapped it up and Jay walked out onto the floor.
"Constipation Blues" and "Feast of the Mau Mau" were still a few years down the road and The Screamer hadn't too many tricks in his Sack 'O Tunes to offer the crowd . Hearing "I Put A Spell On You" was the reason most of us were there.

Dressed in red, leopard skins around his shoulders, hair slicked back in a tidal wave conk, Jay glowered like Baal and shook his little stick with the shrunken head on the end menacingly at us. We all gasped and gawked and shuffled up toward him to get a bigger dose of what he was handing out.

"You better stop
The things that you're doing
I said "Watch out!"
I ain't lying, yeah!"

I looked around for confirmation that this was the greatest thing that had ever happened to all of us and saw the crowd growing more agitated. "What a performance!" I thought and then with

"I ain't gonna take none of your
Fooling around
I ain't gonna take none of your
Putting me down"

the fight broke out. There were leather heels slippin' and slidin' on the hardwood floor, arms flailing and girls screaming. Everyone was scrambling to get out of the way, and Jay kept on singing. Shaking his little monkey head stick and moving his lips along to his tune, but I could see he was losing his concentration. Maybe it was because he fought professionally in Alaska at one time, but his focus was on the brawl. There were several guys involved, mostly missing with wild roundhouses, throwing themselves off balance and falling hard - sometimes falling on their own switchblades - and drawing blood. And this made the hardwood floor very slippery. Loose change spilled from pockets, lay glistening in the little scarlet pools, and as a watched non-combatant onlookers diving for the sticky dimes and quarters, I was reminded that this was a very poor neighborhood. Someone upended the Crosley effectively ending the concert but Jay's jaw had dropped and his eyes bugged out like shiny black beetles as he reflexively continued to shake his mojo monkey-stick. Standing near him I drifted closer and started making small talk with The Great Man who was riveted on the folks diving for spare change among the felled warriors. I asked him if the little shriveled head had a name and never taking his eyes from the writhing, grasping bodies he said, "Yeah, this is Henry - he don't talk too much. Screamin' Jay went on to play roles in several movies including American Hot Wax (in which he played himself) and Jim Jarmusch's Mystery Train, in which he played a night clerk in a Memphis hotel.

Hawkins died on February 12, 2000 after surgery to treat an aneurysm. He left behind many children by many women; about 55 were known (or suspected) upon his death, and upon investigation, that number "soon became perhaps 75 offspring". Maybe one of these days I'll have the good fortune to meet one and be able to tell her about the night I met her dad.

note: I PUT A SPELL ON YOU by Screamin' Jay Hawkins has also been recorded by Creedence Clearwater Revival, The Animals; Natacha Atlas; Audience; Jimmy Barnes; Dick Barsamian;
Tab Benoit; Kat Bjelland; The Blowin' Smoke Rhythm & Blues Band;
Arthur Brown; The C.A. Quintet; Nick Cave & the Bad Seeds;
Joe Cocker; The Countdown Singers; Countdown; Tim Curry;
Demon Fuzz; Baby Jane Dexter; Steve Ferrone; Bryan Ferry;
Fever Tree; The Five Americans; Robben Ford; Diamanda Galás;
Golly Wobblers from Hell; Jerry Granelli; Buddy Guy;
Screamin' Jay Hawkins; ..... and many others.

(....Because you're mine.
All right!)
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Monday, July 6, 2009


I wrote this a few months ago -  I couldn't help it - Dylan's "Sara" on his wonderful Desire lp
has been begging for a little revision. Now that she's in the news again I'm dragging it out of the hamper.
With respect to St. Bob, here it is:

by stephen d gross

"I hid in a bush I loaded my gun
Had me too many kids, I refused to abort
I shot me a moose, I was jes' havin' fun
Call me hockey mom, it's a ballbuster's sport"

Sarah Sarah
With your shrill brittle voice
you drill holes in my mind
Sarah Sarah
What ever made you
the dull-witted kind?

"I can still see it bleedin', its guts in the sand
I grabbed me my knife to strip off its hide
I held the wrong end I cut up my hand
my kids watched me bleed
then we went for a ride"

Sarah Sarah
the Republicans chose you to run as their veep
sarah sarah
whoever picked you gets far too much sleep 

When you went to Wassila you captained the team
Barracuda your nickname, a fish to be feared
Then you tried junior college but ran out of steam
now you wish we'd acknowledge that Jesus appeared

Sarah Sarah mascara'd musher
and teacher of kids
sarah sarah you kept the bars open
then provided the skids

You ran down old lupus in a chopper one day
when he gave up you shot him, a game we abhor
You call it "sport" - morons must have their way
how else can they get a new rug on the floor?

Sarah Sarah dimwitted bimbo
Republican star
Sarah Sarah
her eyeballs are fixed 
on the USSR

I still hear the sound of your corvid like croak
and the prickly tones of your harsh strident voice
you debated Joe Biden it seemed like a joke
McCain would bail out
but you've left him no choice 

Sarah Sarah
aquarian queen in a pair of mukluks
Sarah Sarah 
you might lead the free world
and that really sucks

It's raining in Juneau the Governor's left town
all the buddies she hired are running the State
she's gone to DC, got a job as a clown
got a tank with hot air
and balloons to inflate

Sarah Sarah
evangelical leader of National cheers
Sarah Sarah
America's no place for liberals and queers

Wednesday, July 1, 2009


(One of a series of plays about Louie, 17-year-old son of a Brooklyn capo, his Williamsburg pet shop, and his friends.)



Cast of Characters: Angela (A)

Wendell (W)

Louie (L)

Carlo (C)

Little Sally Boxes (LSB)


Sound of SNORING

alternating with persisitent RAPPING on door

ANGELA: (in stage whisper) Lou-ieee! Hey, Lou-ieee...!


AB: Maybe he ain't here...

A He's here - he's always here....! Lou-ieee...!

BC Maybe he's wid somebody - 

A Nah, not Louie ...

AB Whaddya mean - why not?

A 'Cause - Louieeee! (louder) Hey LOUIEEE...

AB Shhh- not so loud....!

A What loud, people holler around here all the time

AB But it's three o'clock in the morning...

A So? We gotta find a place to keep 'em....

AB Just let 'em go...

A Whaddya you crazy? You think dis is the jungle or somethin'? Can't just let 'em go....

AB Why not? Lots to eat - plenty of fruit stands all over the place - they can climb pretty good, get away from people an' cops...

A They can't survive in the city - they'll get run over...chewed on by dogs....

AB I don't know why I let you talk me into this shit, Angela, I must be...

A Cause it's a good thing to do, is why...y'unnerstan'? They do experiments on the poor things, stick needles in their brains and put burning crap in their eyes that blind's 'em an'...

AB So they got a reason for doin' it, right? They're scientists, ain't they...? They know what they're doin'....

A They're just makin' shampoo and soaps and skin stuff and junk like that - they don't need to torture little animals for that crap! It's not like they're savin' lives or anything important....

AB Shampoos an' soaps? Dats it?

A Cosmetics - when you come down to it, it's stuff nobody really needs...

AB Bullshit! People get dirty, they gotta use soap, they gotta wash their hair...! 


L What!? Who the fu....Angela, is that you...? What the fuck are you doin' here in the middle of the night? Who's wit you...?

A Open the door! Louie, open the door an' I'll tell you what I'm doin' here...


L Who's dis...?

A This is my friend an' confederate, Wendell - Wendell this is my cousin Louie, the one I toldja about..

L What'd she tell you?

W Hey, how ya' doin'? Nothin' but good stuff...

L Yeah, like what...?

W Like how youse always helpin' people out an' stuff...

L Uh huh - so whaddya you guys doin' bangin' on my door at tree in the morning..? You in trouble...?

A Nah, not really....well, it ain't exactly us who's in trouble...

L But somebody is, right...?

A Yeah - well, not exactly a somebody, know what I mean...?

L I have no fuckin' idea - you want coffee?

A You got some made?

L You think the coffeepot's full o' coffee sitting around waitin' for you to drop in at three in the fuckin' morning?

A I dunno what you was doin'

L Here, look at my eyes - all red and squinty - It's a coupla hours before sunrise - see if you can figure it out....

A I guess you musta been asleep....right?

L You always was the brainy one, Angela, I gotta hand it to you....

A Come on Louie, we need some help - we wouldn't come bangin' on your door at tree in the morning if we didn't need your help...

L So who's in trouble...? You need bail money for one of your hippity-dippity friends...?

A It's not exactly a "who" Louie, it's more of a what...

AB Yeah, a couple of "whats"...

L It ain't human, right? You got some dumb animal an' you think this dumb animale is gonna help him out...?

A Them, Louie....AB Yeah, there's two of 'em....

L Uh - oh! Two a what?

A Well, you know that lab down in Canarsie with the barbed wire and shit?

L Yeah, the one we're they're supposed to be makin' poisons and nerve gas and toxic shit......

AB We found out that ain't what they do there....

L Oh, yeah? Whadda you know? You got the inside poop?

A We decided to leave the poop behind, Louie....

L Angela, it's too fuckin' early to play Ring Around da Rosie....

A They do experiments on animals, Louie, that's what they fuckin' do there...

AB You should see - dogs, cats, rabbits...!

L So don't tell me - youse broke in dere?

A They was sufferin', Louie - somebody had to help 'em, give 'em a break...

L You guys really broke in? Just the two o' you?

A Somebody had to do somethin' Louie, y'unnerstand? Wendell and me got these bolt cutters?

AB My cousin Ronnie Stole 'em from the precinct....s

L Ronnie who? Do I know 'em?

AB Ronnie Mendell, he lives in Far Rockaway

L Ronnie Scissors? I know that punk...

A He ain't a punk, he's a good guy...

L Yeah, right - you don't know him Angela, believe me, you don't know some of the stuff he's pulled...

AB He's really a good guy once you get to know him...

L He's your cousin? You must be Wendell Mendell - right? I heard a' you....

A Lissen Louie, they're in the car....

L What's in the car, Angela? Whaddya gonna lay on me this time...

A There's just two of them...

AB An' they're pretty small...

L Cats? Bunnies? Break it to me gently....

A They're monkeys...

L Monkeys?

A Rhesus monkeys....

L Reese's monkeys? Did they ever play for the Dodgers?

A Whadda you talkin', Louie?

L Pee Wee Reese - used to play shortstop for the Dodgers - you said they was Reeses monkeys....

A They're damaged, Louie - don't make fun...they was sufferin'

AB An' we sprung 'em. Ronnie's fuckin' bolt cutters popped 'em loose....

L Whaddya mean damaged?

AB One of 'em's head is all shaved so they could attach electrodes and wires and shit, and it has seizures...

A Epilepsy - it has epilepsy. An' the other one had its vocal cords or something removed and all it can do is hisses all the time...

L Crippled fuckin' monkeys you wanna dump on me?

A Not dump, Louie, we're not dumpin' 'em, we just wanna leave 'em here until we can find a good home for 'em...

W C'mon Louie, I'm always hearin' what a swell guy you are, how you're always helpin' people out....

Yeah, Louie - you got the room, you know about animals - have a little compassion...

W Think about it Louie - what would Jesus do if he was in your place....?

L I dunno - move to Jersey? Turn water into chianti an' sell it to the Sons of Italy?

A C'mon, Louie, we busted our butts to rescue them - help those sick monkeys out...

L A' got 'em out in da car? Bring 'em in..

A Thank you, thank you...we knew we could count on youse!

W Yeah, you're a good man, Louis. They was right about you, all those things I heard...

L Just be quiet - you don't need to wake up the whole neighborhood

(FOOTSTEPS, door opens and closes)


L The one with the shaved head I named Pee Wee after Pee Wee Reese, and the other one I call Buttercup.

CS I like dat - Howja come up with those names?

L Angela told me they was Reese's monkeys, so one of them had to be Pee Wee and the other one I named after my favorite movie time munch - 

CS Buttercup? They sell candy in the Paradise called buttercups?

L No, dummy - you know Reeses Peanut Butter Cups? You're always grabbin' one practically out of my hands...?

CS Not always, just sometimes...

L Yeah, well he's a Reese's so I named him Buttercup....

LSB So what's the story - what happened down at Mooneys?

C Did your monkey really kill O'Brien the cop?

L He never laid a hand on 'em - it was just, whaddya call it, an act of God....

LSB We heard from Uncle Arnie and Frankie Spaghetti it was the monkey gave O'Brien a heart attack...

C Six-foot-six, 280, offed by a fuckin' two pound monkey...!

L Not that the asshole deserved to live, what with the way he treated Bridgit and Joey...

LSB Like Father Loughlin says, sometimes the Lord works in mysterious ways...

C So how'd it happen..?


L It was freaky, the way it all happened...Like, if it wasn't a Sunday, O'Brien might still be runnin' around kickin' ass...

C Why a Sunday...?

L 'Cause–

dats when him an' Bridgit an' Joey go to Good Shepherd, and O'Brien always stops at Mooney's after church for a coupla' beers an' some of Frankie Spaghetti's spaghetti an' meatballs..

LSB So....?

L So I'm in the shop havin' my morning coffee an' mindin' my business, kinda feeling a little like Tarzan surrounded by all these monkeys and birds and shit when my cousin Arabella comes by...

C The one who lives in the Village an' hangs out with all those ....?

L Don't say it Carlo - I know what you're gonna say....

C What? I didn't say nothin'!

L Yeah, but you was gonna call 'em queers.....right? 

C I didn't say.....

L They're okay guys - I met a few of 'em an' as long as they don't come onto me, they're alright....

LSB Yeah, yeah, so what happened with O'Brien...?

L So she comes by, she was out here visiting Grandma Rosa, and she shows me these masks she got from Rosa who's had 'em in an old trunk since she came over from Palermo....

C What kinda masks?

L I seen 'em a coupla' times before. They're from the Commedia Del'Arte and they're really nice....

LSB So what happened...?

L So we're shootin' the shit an' she shows me the masks and we're talkin' about our Grandma and family stuff, and we hear this weird hissing....

C A gas leak...?

L No, dummy - it was Buttercup - the monkey that the only sound it can make since the lab people fucked with its neck is hissing..

LSB So then what...?

L Well it's hissing because the monkey with the shaved head, Pee Wee, is hassling it, so I grab Pee Wee an' take him outta his cage to calm Buttercup down...and Arabella's pettin' him an' stuff, and I start thinkin' how cool it would be to try one of the masks on the monkey, just to see how it'll look, ya' know?

C You put a fuckin' mask on the monkey?

L Yeah, she's got this skull one, what she calls a Death's-Head,

an' I'm thinkin' how cool Pee Wee would look wearin' it, so I put it on his little face, and it's kinda big, so I tie it in the back so it won't fall off, and it looks so weird Arabella starts to crack up....

LSB Heh-heh-heh!

C Shut up Sally....den what happened?

L I guess Pee Wee doesn't like his face covered so he starts to freak out, an' I go to grab him an' he jumps off the counter an' runs out the open door into the street....

LSB Hehhehheh

C Holy Shit! He's out in the street...?

L Yeah, but not for long.... he runs down the street an' the Brighton local comes along an' musta freaked him good, 'cause he runs into the first open door he sees, which is Mooney's....

C The monkey ducks into Mooney's...?

L Yeah, Carlo - I just said that...ain't choo listenin'?

LSB Hehhehhehhehheh

C Yeah, yeah, so what happened?

L So there all there, after church wid a coupla beers under their belts, O'Brien and McGonigle an' old man Flanagan, an' I guess O'Brien was feelin' bad about all the shit he's been doin' to Joey an' Bridgit...treatin' 'em mean an' wailin' on 'em and stuff...

C He's one mean prick, that O'Brien....

L He ain't nothin' any more...

LSB Hehhehheh Hehhehheh!

L So, you know how it is after church, how sometimes all that religious crap makes you feel guilty an' stuff?

C I wouldn't know about that, but I heard that some....

L Some people do there confessin' in the bar instead of in church - for some of 'em, it's easier that way once they got a few beers under their belt....

C So the big cop is feelin' bad about bein' such a jerk all his life...?

L Yeah, that's what I heard, he was cryin' an' stuff, scared he was gonna suffer eternal damnation an' like that, when the monkey ran into Mooney's, an' seein' all those feet, he jumps up onto the bar...

C Onto the bar...?

LSB HEhhehheh...!

L An' it's bad enough, this little animale suddenly jumpin' up onto the bar in front of these half-loaded guys, but Pee Wee's still wearin' the mask I tied onto his head....!

C The death mask, the skull? The fuckin' monkey's still wearin' it...?

L Yeah, and all of a sudden O'Brien who's feelin' really bad about himself an' thinking about Hell looks up from cryin' an' sees this hairy little thing with a big Death's head starin' him right in the face from about a foot away...

C Holy Shit!

LSB Heheheheh....!

L An' that's when it hits the fan......

C He musta freaked...!

L He screams an' turns white, and the scream freaks Pee Wee who goes into an epileptic seizure right on the bar in front of O'Brien!

C He musta shit his pants....!

L Yeah, he did - that's one of the things that happens when you drop dead - you kinda lose control an' everything comes out....


C O'Brien drops dead...?!

L Yeah, he's feelin' guilty an' miserable, thinkin' what an sshole he's been, an' all of a sudden a little naked hairy thing with the face of Death appears in front of him an' starts twitching an' convulsin', and O'Brien being a religious type knows it's the Reaper comin' for his ass, so he hands it to him on a platter...

C Holy fuckin' shit....!

LSB He died? O'Brien dropped dead...?

L Heart attack, they said it was, but I think he died of fright brought on by his own guilt....

C So what happened to the monkey...?

L He just laid there twitchin', the poor thing, an Frankie Spaghetti not bein' too smart, comes out with his carvin' knife to put Pee Wee out of his misery, but Pee Wee suddenly recovers an' runs out into the street an' seein' me, he jumps into my arms like for protection?

LSB Yeah, protection....

L An' I brought him back here and locked the door...

C Fuckin' heart attack - holy shit!

L So the cops came down an' they talked to the people who were in Mooney's, asked a lottta questions, but the stories they heard were so weird - an' they got a different story from everyone they spoke to....

C They arrest Pee Wee?

L Carlo, sometimes you're so fuckin' dumb! No, they don't arrest monkeys - my father talked to them an' laid a coupla C-notes on 'em an' they wrote it off as an accidental....

LSB So your monkey's a cop killer....right?

L Arabella says it's justice, ya' know? Poor Pee Wee was mistreated his whole life an' now God has kinda allowed him to get even for all the shit he's been through by offin' a bad guy...

C I dunno, maybe Loughlin is right - sometimes the Lord does work in mysterious ways...!